3 things science can teach you about creating content that resonates

I breakdown the 3 things that I learned about making great content from my former life as a scientist.

We talk about...

- how to captivate your people with a strong headline

- how to bring them onto the journey with you through story

- the thing that most people f*ck up when it comes to storytelling in their content

- the importance of taking a holistic approach to your content creation

GET YER PENS + PENCILS OUT HOMIES, this episode is packed full of value and you'll probably want to save it and come back to it several times to learn something new from it each time.

I can't wait to hear what you thought about this episode - Find me on Instagram @caroline.addington_ and let me know!


How to attract your ideal clients online... WITHOUT attracting Aunt Susan


DO THIS before you try to grow your following