Unhinged Humaning + Releasing Consumerism

Woah boy. Y'all requested it and here it is. A slightly unhinged episode 😅 

In this episode...

  • a very human first 10 minutes as I process the world today [in the thick of the Russian-Ukraine moment]

  • a lot of swearing and irreverent humor to help digest what it is to be human in this moment

  • and then a deep dive into consumerism, what it is, how it gets perpetuated, all the things

  • why the news cycle is just as much a part of the consumerism cycle as anything else

  • what I actually mean when I say "releasing consumerism"

  • how consumerism shapes our decision making process

  • the roles of internet marketing and social media in accelerating our cultural consumption habits

  • how consumerism shapes our self concept

  • the value of releasing consumerism, but not releasing consumption which a beautiful and wonderful part of the human experience

We dive into some big topics here! Hope it's not too off the walls and that you enjoy 💜😂

Want to learn more about Peaceful Money? Here's the linky link ~ https://www.carolineaddington.com/peaceful-money-program


Lil episode: Reimagining Money “Blocks”


Using Scarcity as Fuel for Your Abundance