5 MASSIVE benefits of taking smart risks in ya business [and why they're the foundation to your success]

HOLD ON TO YER BRITCHES! We get deep in this episode talking about some of the most fundamental skills that you as an entrepreneur gotta develop on your journey.

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In this episode, we jam out on...

- What makes a risk “smart” or not so smart

- how to learn YOUR strategies for getting comfortable outside your comfort zone

- Elevating your consciousness and acquiring new ways of thinking and seeing the world

- how to gain immeasurable confidence in yourself and your ability to do the damn thing

- what's at the ROOT of your ability to know that your vision will absolutely become a reality

- how to make better and more strategic decisions in your life + your business

- how to significantly boost your self trust

- what an investment mindset is and why that's such a huge contributor to your ability to rapidly grow + learn


How to overcome perfectionism + create with COURAGE ft. Elizabeth Hope Derby


How to know your life purpose ft. Ashley DuFresne