Being Vulnerable Online: 3 powerful mindset shifts to help you build an honest personal brand


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This episode of the Empowered Expression Podcast is all about being vulnerable online so you can share your story in a way that’s both vulnerable and empowering.

To be honest, having a personal brand is a very personal thing. I mean... it's right there in the name. It's such a beautiful gift to build your online business in a way that’s true to who you are. And at the same time... showing up in your online space and in real life from a place of power is important.

Sometimes it’s a challenge to share your story in a way that feels good, empowering and true for you. And yet, being vulnerable and sharing honestly about what you’ve lived through is so important.

That's what we're talking about in today's episode! We talk about 3 big obstacles to being vulnerable that come up for clients in my signature program, Bigger Than A Brand. I’m sharing 3 powerful mindset shifts to overcome these obstacles, so you can show up empowered. So let's dive in to give an overview of each of these sticky situations.

3 Powerful Mindset Shifts to Help You Share Vulnerably in Your Personal Brand:

Situation #1: The first sticky situation I see come up all the time is the, “who does she think she is? Or who's going to want to hear what I have to say?” situation.

These are two sides of the same coin, and the mindset shift is the same for both. When you’re in this situation, the trick is to remember who you’re sharing for. The whole reason you put together a personal brand in the first place was to help people, amiright? You’re being vulnerable and sharing your story for them, not for anyone who would potentially judge your story. Focus on the people you’re here to help + let go of the rest.

Situation #2: When someone else is involved in your story and you don't want to hurt them/give them power.

How you can reframe this so that you're the one standing in your power within your story? Bc real talk: regardless of the circumstances or people involved, you are the one who chose to rise. At the end of the day, your story is really about your rising, not about  anyone or anything else.

You're telling your story and being vulnerable for the sake of your ideal clients.

And for them, it's so important to know that they are more powerful than their circumstance. When you tell the story of your rising first and foremost, you send the message to others that they are more powerful than their circumstance. And that's a powerful message to send.

Situation #3: When you don’t want people to think less of you.

If you’ve created an image online that was once true to who you are... but you’ve evolved and it no longer fits - it’s time to break that image with courage.

Because at the end of the day, you’re sharing your story and being vulnerable online for your own sake, not to hear the sound of your own voice...

You’re sharing for the sake of your ideal client, so they can see themselves in your story and know what’s possible for them.

So that they can see you overcoming and know that it is also possible for them to overcome. That's the real reason for building an honest and authentic personal brand in general. You are a symbol of what's possible for someone else who is moving through a specific time in their life. Sharing your own journey in a way that is vulnerable and empowered is a beautiful gift to give the world.

You not only have the right, but the gift of being able to tell your story your way. You're the one who lived through it. You're the only one who can tell it truly and accurately from the perspective of your own rising, feel me?

So claim that and step into that role with power and courage. If you need help, we’ve put together some affirmations to help you move through each of these situations. You can click here to download then for free. Print these puppies out, put them on your mirror and they’ll help you reconnect with what's really going on when you share your story... because it's so much bigger than just a simple story.


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